
Madrid: Workshop "Co-Development: challenges and opportunities in a global world"

codesarrolloIPCM has organized a workshop about "Co-Development: challenges and opportunities in a global world”. It was held in Casa Asia, Madrid, on November 19 and 20, 2012. Several experts on international development cooperation had the opportunity to contribute their point of view and experience about the link between migration and development cooperation.

The workshop was introduced by Mr. Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga, IPCM President. Mr. Piergiorgio Sciacqua, IPCM First Vicepresident, and Mrs. María Reina Martín Ferreira, Vicepresidente, atended the meeting, as well as scholars as Mr. Felipe Santos, a journalist who teaches political communication at “Centro Universitario Villanueva”, and Mrs. Randa Sayegh, a professor of Arab culture at “Universidad Alfonso X “.

They insisted on the role of the immigrant community in the societies of origin and reception. Governments, public administrations, NGOs and other public and private entities were considered necessary for the implementation of migration and cooperation policies.

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