
What is IPCM


The European Centre for Workers’ Question (EZA), aware of the importance of the aid development ant the role of the migratory flows, established in 2004 a discussion group between its different organizations.

In the Cracovia Meeting the need to contribute to social justice in the world, international solidarity and strengthen of peace was established.

The Palermo Meeting in 2004 specified the proposals for the constitution of a provisional Platform, establishing two main aims:

  • Promote International Aid projects between social organizations in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America.
  • Analysis and investigation of migratory process with a solidarity focus.

The Platform

The International Platform of Cooperation and Migration (IPCM), was constituted legally in Madrid on June 21, 2009, as an international federation of organizations, under the protection of the Organic Law of 1/2002 of March 22, regulatory of the Law of Association of the Kingdom of Spain. It is inscribed in:

  • The National Registry of the Ministry of Interior of Spain with number 593435;
  • The Registry of not governmental organizations of development, of the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for the Development, AECID (State Department and Cooperation), as NGO nº 2352.
  • The General file of citizen entities, Barcelona City Council.


The Platform has as a general objective the promotion of solidarity actions in international aid and migrations. Particularly, it has the following specific objectives:

  • Promote the development relation and solidarity between entities of Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America.
  • Establishing nets to promote development project.
  • Contributing to the social and cultural integration of migrants.
  • Promoting the human and family rights.
  • The research and analysis of migratory flows.


Development projects which contribute to eradicate hunger, poverty, illness and illiteracy.

Research interchanges to the training of developing countries, public awareness campaigns and workshops.

Integration of migrant people through labor training.

Researches and publications related to international aid and migrations.


Contact Us

Social Address: Calle Bellesguard, 30. 08022 Barcelona. Spain

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