
Lublin: seminar on immigrants and refugees in the EU

The EDS-FNS foundation organized an international seminar on immigration and refuge in the EU, and the consequences on the labor market. It took place from October 13 to 16, 2022.

The program included the participation of representatives of entities from Poland, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Slovakia, Greece, Germany, Belgium; as well as from Albania, Lithuania and Cyprus.

The seminar was supported by EZA and the European Commission. It is part of the activities of the IPCM.

The president of EDS-FNS, Agata Gawlick, explained the situation in Poland: “Russia's aggression against Ukraine has changed everything”. She presented the work of her foundation to welcome war refugees, especially in Dom Nasutów, with the problems of reception, financing, organization of activities and language teaching.

Aneta Szczykutowicz coordinated the seminar, which was a success.

Several people explained the situation of immigrants and refugees in their respective countries: Maribel Alañón on Spain, Herbert Metzer on Germany, Maria Reina Martin on Portugal, Carien Neven on Belgium, Vasilis Mantazis on Greece, Vittorino Rodaro on Italy.

Others focused their interventions on the current labor market, such as Piergiorgio Sciacqua (EZA and MCL and EFAL), Ignacio Argote (CEAT), Józef Mozolewski (Solidarność).

References to the war and Ukrainian refugees were continuous. The attendees analyzed the measures that are being taken in each country to welcome them.

Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga, who is also rector of the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, focused on the importance of the educational and university world, as well as language learning, to facilitate integration, education and employment. In addition, he referred to the EU as a guarantee for peace.

Giorgio D'Antoni (Italy) and others recalled that special attention should also be paid to the problems of the Mediterranean region.

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