On 25, 26 and 27 November, the Monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla (La Rioja) hosted the seminar "Cultural and linguistic diversity, minorities and immigration", organised by the IPCM and the Humanism and Democracy Foundation (founding member of the Platform), along with the collaboration of the San Millán de la Cogolla Foundation.
During the seminar, the importance of the Spanish language was emphasized as being an essential vehicle for the integration of immigrants in Spain. Knowing the Spanish language is fundamental when it comes to finding employment, being able to relate to one's environment and becoming integrated within the host society. In addition, knowledge of the Spanish language brings access to a cultural universe of the first magnitude, as Spanish is now spoken by 470 million people in the world.
Madrid: The IPCM collaborates in the international seminar “The labour market emerging from the economic and social crisis and its impact on the creation of a fairer society
The International Platform for Cooperation and Migration took part in the international seminar "The labour market emerging from the economic and social crisis and its impact on the creation of a fairer society" held in Madrid from 11 to 13 November. 2016.
The seminar was organised by the Humanism and Democracy Foundation - H+D, founder member of the IPCM, with funding from the European Union and the European Centre for Workers' Affairs (EZA).
The seminar provided an analysis of employment policies in different member states of the European Union, within the framework of the Europe 2020 Strategy, as well as looking at the role of the Social Dialogue in building a better future for all.
Madrid: The IPCM attended the international seminar on structural challenges to the welfare state
The International Platform for Cooperation and Migration (IPCM) has collaborated in staging the international seminar "Structural challenges to the welfare state: new challenges for the model of workers' social protection" (read programme) held in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) from 30 September to 2 October, 2016. This seminar was organized by the Spanish Centre for Workers' Affairs (CEAT in its Spanish acronym), with funding from the European Union and the European Centre for Workers' Questions (EZA).
Madrid: Third IPCM Conference on EU Migratory Policies
With the support of the Secretary of State for the European Union the International Platform for Cooperation and Migration (IPCM) held the Third Conference on "EU Migratory Policies" (read programme),in Madrid on 19 September, a day which gave the 70 plus attendees the opportunity to extend their knowledge and raise questions for and/or comments to the different speakers. Below we provide a brief summary of speeches:
The world responds to migration
The IPCM board, meeting in Madrid made the following statement:
The International Platform for Cooperation and Migration (IPCM) follows the international community's political agenda with great interest, paying particular attention to the growing phenomenon of migration.
- On 14 September, the Debate on the State of the Union, in Strasbourg.
- On 16 September, the European Summit in Bratislava.
- On 19 September, the UN Summit on Refugees and Migrants, in New York.
The IPCM considers that the measures taken by the EU are positive developments, however it hopes for a more cohesive common policy and greater understanding of - and solidarity with - the countries in the South, who are the first to receive the influx of illegal migrants.
The IPCM particularly welcomes the New York Declaration, soon to be adopted, as this provides a long-term view, beyond emergency situations and humanitarian aid. It is a historic landmark that 193 UN member states are working to strengthen the 1951 Convention, to provide a shared response, along with opportunities for education and employment.
The IPCM urges its organisations and all civic society to continue working within the framework of international agreements, to achieve the welfare of migrants, displaced persons and refugees.
Madrid, september 18th 2016