
EZA’s networks and platforms: International Platform of Co-operation and Migration (IPCM)

The IPCM is an offshoot of the EZA. In fact the EZA realised that sever- al of its members were involved in issues related to the mobility of workers and their families and were giving special attention to migration phenomena. At the same time, other members were working on international co-operation projects for development. So a group of EZA mem- bers decided in 2004 to start up this plat- form. In 2009 it was constituted as a legal entity in the form of an association. We have had training seminars and meet- ings in Brussels, Naples, Palermo, Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Toledo, Valladolid, Lisbon, Amarante, Guimarães, Évora and Malta. The topics have included: "The labour market and migration in the EU: How to put an end to the social exclusion of migrants? The role of trade unions and migrants' organisations in the processes of integration" in 2014; "The economic and social crisis, its impact on the labour market in the EU: an analysis of the cur- rent situation, forecasts for development, political and legal requirements for a framework conducive to creating jobs for migrants and local people" in 2013; and the "Participation of immigrants in the social dialogue and in the labour market" in 2012.(EZA News)

 So we aim firstly to offer training, cours- es and an exchange of experience and knowledge between members of the IPCM; and secondly to speak with a com- mon voice to society, starting from our principles as social organisations based on Christian humanism, which leads us to seek a way of alleviating the suffering of millions of people in the world.

Today, 22 organisations make up the IPCM, as full members or observers. They come from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Germany, Romania, Albania, the Nether- lands and Chile. The EZA is a member of the IPCM. Some members of the IPCM are also members of the EZA, others are not. The IPCM is receptive to applications to join it from organisations that share our working approach and our principles. The head office of the IPCM is in Madrid and it is subject to Spanish law. The Fundación Humanismo y Democracia (H+D) is responsible for its technical sec- retariat.

The IPCM is funded by membership fees and the grants it receives from, for instance, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Co-operation. In some semi- nars, delegations of the European Commission have made their facilities and other services available.

The IPCM is a network whose mission is to unite with organisations committed to human dignity, social and cultural inte- gration and human values.

Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga.