International Platform for Cooperation and Migration (IPCM) has been a collaborator in the international seminar of European Studies which was held in Naples (Italy), 17 to May 19, 2013. The title has been "Europe and the Mediterranean, European integration between crisis, dialogue and identity challenges". Organized by EFAL, MCL and EZA, with the collaboration of the Fondazione Italiana Europa Popolare and the Union of Mediterranean Studies Centers (UCEM), has been supported by the European Union.
2017 Fourth Conference on EU Migratory Policies
Country: Spain
Cofinanciador: Secretary of State for the European Union (Proposal Resolution on july 21, 2017)
Call for proposal: 2017
Subsidy: 3.000 €
Total cost: 3.000 €
Direct beneficiarys: 40
Indirect beneficiarys: 200
Date of realization: conference on september 18, 2017
Beginning: on july 21, 2017
End: on september 30, 2017
Sector: Social awareness and immigration
Executive board 2022-2025
Executive Board elected on extraordinary general Assembly IPCM
on october 14 th 2022.
Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga. Universitat Abat Oliba CEU -Spain.
Vice President:
Piergiorgio Sciacqua. Nazionale per la Formazione e l’Addestramento dei Lavoratori (EFAL) - Italy. Movimento Cristiano Lavoratori (MCL) – Italy. European Centre for Workers' Questions (EZA) - Germany.
Maria Reina Martin Ferreira Pimpão. Associação para a Formação, Investigação e Desenvolvimento Social dos Trabalhadores (FIDESTRA) - Portugal.
Aneta Szczykutowicz. Europejski Dom Spotkan - Fundacja Nowy Staw (EDS-FNS) - Poland.
José Ignacio Argote. Centro Español para los Asuntos de los Trabajadores (CEAT) - Spain.
Vice Secretary:
Alessandro Mini. Universitat Abat Oliba CEU - Spain.
Josep Calvó. Associação para a Formação, Investigação e Desenvolvimento Social dos Trabalhadores (FIDESTRA) - Portugal.
Vice Treasurer:
Maribel Alañón. Fundación Concordia y Libertad (antes Fundación Humanismo y Democracia) - Spain.
Ordinary members:
Vittorino Rodaro. Unione Nazionale delle Associazioni degli Immigrati e degli Emigrati (UNAIE) - Italy.
Paolo Cesana. Fondazione Luigi Clerici (FLC) - Italy.
Francisco Domínguez. Centro Español para los Asuntos de los Trabajadores (CEAT) - Spain.
The members of the Board of Directors do not receive any type of remuneration for their functions in the IPCM.