18 December: International Migrants Day
Once again this year, the international community celebrates International Migrants Day.
The UN reminds us that "People on the move are powerful drivers for development in both their origin and destination countries, as workers, students, entrepreneurs, family members, artists, and much more. Migrants often maintain strong connections to their home countries while embracing their new communities, where they bring a wealth of knowledge, experience and skill." ( https://www.un.org/es/observances/migrants-day ).
The IPCM joins this commemoration. The IPCM appreciates the work of many people who work in social entities in relation to migrants.
The president of the IPCM, Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga, said: "This day helps us reflect again on the meaning of migrations in today's world. We remember those who have changed their place of residence for voluntary reasons. Above all, we want to remember especially those who have been forced to flee. Political and environmental situations generate new migrations. Wars cause millions of refugees. Today we reflect on all this." Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga is also rector of the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU of Barcelona.
We highlight the work of the entities that are part of the IPCM. The Movimento Cristiano Lavoratori (MCL) of Italy has created the Associazione Lavoratori Stranieri MCL (ALS). The Univeristat Abat Oliba CEU, in Spain, is a model of coexistence between teachers and students of various nationalities. The Fondazione Luigi Clerici dedicates much attention to the vocational training of young immigrants. The Unione Nazionale delle Associazioni degli Immigrati ed Emigrati (UNAIE) brings together entities that do great work, such as Trentini nel Mondo. The Europejski Dom Spotkań Fundacja Nowy Staw (EDS-FNS) in Poland hosts Ukrainian refugees.