
Barcelona: IPCM commemorates its tenth anniversary with a seminar on the role of social organizations and global problems

bcn2On July 8 and 9, 2019, the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU of Barcelona hosted the international seminar "Global problems, five centuries after the first round to the world" (see program) It was organized by the International Platform for Cooperation and Migration and UOA-CEU, with the support of EZA and the European Union.

The seminar contributed to the debate on the role of workers' organizations and social organizations in present-day Europe, the analysis of European policies on immigration, the rights of migrants as well as the new challenges for socio-labor integration. All this from within a framework of study based on a global scope of problems, five centuries after the first round to the world.



For the analysis of these global problems, the programme included a conference about geopolitics in the V centennial of the First World Tour, dictated by Juan Corona, Professor of Economics of the UAO CEU. 

Subsequently, a round table on the development of capacities and social leadership took place, whith different experiences and contributions made from the academic and university ambit, regarding migrations.

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