Cartaxo (Santarém, Portugal): concern for European social issues
From February 3 to 5, 2023, a seminar was held in Cartaxo (Santarém, Portugal), organized by CFTL (Centro de Formação e Tempos Livres) and Base Fut.
Azores: rural development of a peripheral region
In Ponta Delgada, Azores Islands (Portugal), a large international seminar organized by Fidestra was held in January 2023.
Vatican: The Pope receives the MCL
The Movimento Cristiano Lavoratori (MCL) has celebrated its 50th anniversary since its founding in 1973. The MCL is a founding and very active member of the IPCM.
For this reason, its members have been received by Pope Francis in the Paul VI Hall, in the Vatican, on Friday, December 9, 2022.